Help us Sprint to Success!
Still maintaining that ‘New Year, New You’ attitude? Why not push yourself that extra 6.2 miles and take on the Great Manchester Run in aid of Independent Options! The run, to be held on Sunday 28th May, will see participants race to complete the 10 kilometre from Portland Street around Manchester, before crossing the finishing line on Deansgate…. Read more »

Youngsters Rule the Roost at Chinese New Year Celebration
Youngsters at the Children and Family Centre celebrated Chinese New Year this week, making their own traditional Chinese lanterns, paper dragons, and baking! The children, who came along to our Tuesday After30School Club, got stuck in colouring the lanterns and sticking them together. The group also made paper dragons, colouring in the head and tail,… Read more »

Knit, knit, knit, knit, chicken! (Lay a little egg for me!)
Are you a keen knitter? Could you knit all night? We are in need of small knitted chicks to help us with our Easter fundraising! The chicks are designed to hold a chocolate Creme Egg, but don’t worry about supplying the chocolate, we will do that! For more information, call us on 0161 456 6502… Read more »

Exciting Opportunity to Join Our Fundraising Team
We’re on the hunt for an enthusiastic and creative Fundraising Officer to join our team! An exciting opportunity has arisen in our Fundraising Department, as we’re looking to expand our team to enable us to help enable others. Through the expansion of our team we will be able to continue to succeed in creating a… Read more »

We Need Your Help!
We’re holding a bag packing event at Sainsbury’s Hazel Grove, and we need your help! Can you spare an hour of your time on Friday 10th, Saturday 11th or Sunday 12th March to help us pack shopper’s bags? If so, please do get in touch! Email us at fundraising@independentoptions.org.uk or call 0161 456 6502 Since… Read more »

40th Anniversary Charity Challenge
This year marks Independent Options’ 40th Anniversary, and to celebrate, we’re running a charity multiplier challenge! You’ll be given a starting pot of £40 cash, and your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to multiply it in to as much money as you can! You can do this in teams, and from the… Read more »

Independent Options Celebrates 40th Birthday with new logo launch
This year marks the 40th anniversary of Independent Options, and we’re cooking up lots of fun ideas and ways to celebrate this momentous occasion. The first, which some of you eagle-eyed folk may have spotted on social media, is our commemorative logo! Our special, limited edition logo will be used throughout 2017, and not only… Read more »

New Timetable at Children and Family Centre
2017 brings a packed timetable for you here at Independent Options’ Children and Family Centre! All our groups are for children with learning disabilities, communication or other additional needs. We hope you can come along and join us! Monday Parents Coffee Morning (9:30-12pm) For parents of children with disabilities and additional needs (Last Monday of… Read more »

A Big Thank You to O'Neill Patient Solicitors!
A big thank you to the team at O’Neill Patient Solicitors who raised a magical £743.88 in aid of Independent Options! The Hazel Grove based solicitors firm got creative with their fundraising, with everything from a bake off competition and busking to golf challenges, a big prize raffle and even employees performing magic shows! Lucy Sawdon-Molloy, Fundraising Manager… Read more »

Sense-ational Stories
Sensory Stories is back at our Children and Family Centre, helping to bring stories to life through sensory play and story time. This term, we’ll be reading ‘The Gruffalo’, which tells the story of a mouse taking a walk through the forest and the animals he encounters on his journey. Expect an interactive experience with… Read more »