Mark Hunter MP recently paid a special visit to our Children and Family Centre, accompanied by Helen Bullough, Head of North West Region for the Big Lottery Fund. Helen wanted to show the MP how over £288,000 Reaching Communities funding is helping Independent Options to deliver services to vulnerable children and families. Mark thanked the Big Lottery Fund for funding the Children and Family Centre, which is using the money to provide inclusive groups where children with disabilities and children who do not have disabilities can play and learn together. Our Staff told him about the range of activities for pre-school and school age children up to 10 years including, arts and crafts, imaginative play, sensory play, yoga, ‘singing and signing’, storytelling and computer sessions. He also learned about support the Centre provides to the families of children with disabilities. Independent Options Children and Family Centre Manager Nicky Jones said “Parents are telling us that the atmosphere we have created here is right for them and their children who have disabilities. Many families are dealing with a great deal of stress and get a lot out of sharing their experiences with other people in similar situations and having support from our staff. We cannot thank The Big Lottery enough for the funding, which is helping us to do such positive work.”Left to right: Helen Bullough (Big Lottery Fund), Chris Barker (Independent Options Chief Executive), Mark Hunter MP, Nicky Jones (Children and Family Centre Manager)